Week 4 Day 5
Set your interval timer to 50/10 and complete as many as the following exercises in the time as you can. We will be using our interval timers in every single workout of this 30 day challenge and it is basically the only must have item for BodyRocking. Our timers let us know when to switch exercises and the “beeps” keep us all pushing harder then a regular clock ever could. Ask any seasoned BodyRocker and they will tell you that working out with our timers takes it to a whole different level.
Squat Jump
Push Ups
High Knees
Switch Lunges
Tuck Jumps
Straight Abs
Week 4 Day 4
Workout Breakdown:
1 Push-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump
*High Knees Skip
Switch Lunge (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Press up with Spider Knee (Modification with the Dip Station or Equalizer & Stability Ball for feet)
*High Knees Skip
High Knees x 10 + Mountain Climbers x 10
*High Knees Skip
Side Burpee & Oblique Abs
*High Knees Skip
Push-up + Side Plank Twist + Oblique Drop (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Left (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Right (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
Hug Knees + Star Jack (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Single Toe Touch Abs (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Squat Jump (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
1/2 Burpee + 1 Push-up
*High Knees Skip
This is the last workout of the challenge so make it count !!! Make it tough !!! – Show yourself what you got !!!
Week 4 Day 3
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 6 exercises 2 times through. ( 3 times if you want to really push hard ;) )
Lisa-Marie’s 3 Exercises:
1. Push-up & Front Raise using the Pink Sandbag
2. Bag Drag using the Pink Sandbag
3. Commando Push Up, Roll & Mountain Climbers
Seans 3 Exercises:
1. Shoulder Lift & Squat & One Leg Lift using the Pink Sandbag
2. Round the world using the Pink Sandbag
3. Squat & Press using the Pink Sandbag
Week 4 Day 2
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through. ( 4 times if you feel brave enough ;) )
1. Push-up + Clean & Press & Squat & Press – using the Pink Sandbag
2. Plyo-metric Jump & Press Up
3. Plank & Floor touch & Knee Tuck – Alternate Sides Using the Yellow Equalizeror Dip Station & Stability Ball
4. Reverse Pull Up’s Using the Yellow Equalizer or Dip Station
Week 4 Day 1
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through. ( 4 times if you feel brave enough ;) )
1 Leg Push-Ups and Jump Over – using the Pink Sandbag
Side Straddle Run’s & Burpee’s using the Yellow Equalizer
Squat and Woodchop – Alternate Sides Using the Yellow Equalizer
Plank Jumps using the pink Ugi ball
Week 3 Day 5 800 Rep
Set your interval timer to a stopwatch and let’s kick friday into touch with this fast and furious rep challenge ready for the weekend. You will perform the following workout twice through.
25 Push Ups using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer or Dip Station & Stability Ball
100 High Knee Skips
25 Knee Tucks using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer or Dip Station
100 High Knee Skips
25 Squats using the Pink Sandbag
100 High Knee Skips
25 Triceps using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer or Dip Station
Week 3 Day 4
Workout Breakdown :
Set you interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through.
Jump Over – Go Under using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer
1 x Over + 1 x Under Elevated Push-Ups, alternate legs after each 5 reps each side – using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer
Side Plank Leg Lifts Left Side using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer
Side Plank Leg Lifts Right Side using the Bodyrock Pink Equalizer
Repeat 3 time through :) & don;t forget to write down your scores and feel proof of the accomplishments you are seeing and achieving everyday !
Week 3 Day 3
Hi BodyRockers!!!
As many of you guys know we had a bit of a technical issue with the site over the last 24 hours. We had to do some unschedule maintenance which ended up taking longer than expected and we were not able to update today :( What we have decided to do is just jump back a week and do last weeks workouts again so that we don’t technically miss a day of BodyRocking :) To get to the workout just click here.
We will be back on schedule tomorrow with Lisa’s killer Cardio, Strength and Power Workout and of course we have the 800 Rep Challenge and Sean’s Back & Biceps Workout to end the week on Friday :)
Lot’s of love & sweat on the way!
Keep Rocking!
Freddy, Sean & Lisa-Marie
Lisa-Marie’s Scores:
Clean & Press using the Pink Sandbag – 18,20
Squat Leaps - 34,33
3 Tier Push ups – 11,10
Reverse Pull Ups using the Dip Station – 23, 22
Squat & Press using the Pink Sandbag – 34, 32
Switch Lunge’s – 46, 41
Week 3 Day 2
Workout Breakdown:
1 Push-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump
*High Knees Skip
Switch Lunge (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Press up with Spider Knee (Modification with the Dip Station or Equalizer & Stability Ball for feet)
*High Knees Skip
High Knees x 10 + Mountain Climbers x 10
*High Knees Skip
Side Burpee & Oblique Abs
*High Knees Skip
Push-up + Side Plank Twist + Oblique Drop (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Left (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Right (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
Hug Knees + Star Jack (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Single Toe Touch Abs (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Squat Jump (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
1/2 Burpee + 1 Push-up
*High Knees Skipb
Week 3 Day 1
Fit Test:
Set your interval timer to 50/10 and complete as many as the following exercises in the time as you can. We will be using our interval timers in every single workout of this 30 day challenge and it is basically the only must have item for BodyRocking. Our timers let us know when to switch exercises and the “beeps” keep us all pushing harder then a regular clock ever could. Ask any seasoned BodyRocker and they will tell you that working out with our timers takes it to a whole different level.
Squat Jump
Push Ups
High Knees
Switch Lunges
Tuck Jumps
Straight Absb
Week 2 Day 5 600 Rep
Lisa’s 600 Rep Workout
Set your BodyRocker interval timer to a stop watch and do the following 6 Exercises as quickly as you can & post your scores below.
100 High Knee Skips
100 Lunge kicks (50 each leg) using the Pink Sandbag
100 High Knee Skips
100 squats using the Pink Sandbag
100 High Knee Skips
25 Straight Abs
25 V Abs Left
25 V Abs Right
25 Bicycle Absb
Week 2 Day 4
Lisa-Marie’s Cardio Workout:
Set your interval timer to 10/50 for 12 rounds. You need to complete the following 4 exercises 3 time through.
Press up Burpee + Plyometric Jump (or squat/tuck jump)
Star Single Toe Touch Abs
Sit Squat & Jump using the Pink Sandbag
Ugi Ball Mountiain Climbers x 10 & Ugi Ball Toe Touch’s x 10
Week 2 Day 3
Lisa-Marie’s Resistance, Cardio & Core Workout:
Set your interval timer to 10/50 for 12 rounds. You need to complete the following 6 exercises twice through.
Clean & Press using the Pink Sandbag
Squat Leaps
3 Tier Push ups
Reverse Pull Ups using the Dip Station
Squat & Press using the Pink Sandbag
Switch Lunge’s
Week 2 Day 2
For the Domino Workout you will need to set your interval timer to 12 rounds or 10/50 and repeat the following 6 exercises twice through.
1. Box Jump + 1/2 Burpee (Alternative sides)
2. Lunge & Swing using the Pink Sandbag
3. 3 point jumps + R & L Knee to Elbow using the Ugi Ball
4. Side Leap using the Ugi Ball
5. Tricep Dips + Knee Tuck using the Dip Station
6. Walking Pike Push-ups
If you are just joining us on the 30 Day workout, don’t worry. All you need to do is start with the fit test, write down your scores and then join us everyday to make positive steps to change and improve your lifestyle by choosing the right foods that support your training and following the programme that can be found using the link below.
The Fit Test can be found here
The 30 Day Programme – click here for a downloadable version of the schedule.
Enjoy you workouts & remember to Think !
Freddy, Sean & Lisa-Marie
2:a Veckan
Set your interval timer for 12 Rounds of 50/10. You will complete the following exercises 3 x through.
Modify the following exercises as needed for your fitness level as shown by Lisa in the video. No matter what level you are starting at remember to work as hard as you can and keep going until you hear the beep !!
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Straight Punches using the Pink Sandbag
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Hook Punches using the Pink Sandbag
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 2 x Straight Punches + 2 x Hook Punches using the Pink Sandbag
2 x Mid Abs + 2 x Bag Touch Abs using the Pink Sandbag
Let’s finish off the week hard !! – This Workout is a time challenge so you will need to set your interval timers as a Stop Watch and push yourself as hard as you can from the minute you hear that beep sound! Grit your teeth and keep going until every Rep is completed and don’t worry if you have to modify any of the Reps, just keep going and see it through !
The following exercises should be repeated four times through:
75 High Knee Skips
25 Knee Lifts using the Dip Station
Total 400 Reps combined.
Jag hittar tyvärr INTE, (Inte hunnit leta så mycket) Själva "uppgifterna" som jag postad med efter varje video..
Men då gäller det bara att vara extra vaksam^^;
Burpees + Push-up
Reverse Pull Ups using the Dip Station
Triple Plank Jumps
High Knees using the Dip Station
Vad tycks?
Superman Push-ups
Elevated Push-up’s & L&R knee to elbow touch with the Swiss Ball
Squat & Press with the Pink Sandbag
Ugi Clean & Press + Jump Forward + 3 x Squat Jumps
Reverse Pull-Ups on Dip Station
Side Jump Burpee + 2 knee to elbow Oblique Abs + Tuck Jump Centre (Alternate Sides)
Forward Lunge + Side Lunge + Knee Lift. (Alternate Legs) with the Pink Sandbag
Ugi Ball Push-up & Burpee + Sumo L&R Knee Touch.
Tricep Dip + Kickout V Abs with the Dip Station
Overhead Abs with the Pink Sandbag
Sandbag Shoulder Lift + Squat + Switch Shoulder Press with the Pink Sandbag
Speed Run
30 Day Challenge
10 x High Knees & 10 x Mountain Climbers
2 x Squat Jumps & 2 x Push-ups & 1 x Tuck Jumps
Centre to Elbow Jump (L&R) & 2 x leg jumps
Clean & Press & Squat & Press & Push Up
Tuck Jumps x 5 & ½ Burpee & squat hold x 5
Spider Knee Push up & Straight Leg Push Up (L&R)
Switch Lunge & Press
Side Lunge x 2 & L & R Side Punch & 2 Tuck Jumps
10 x Squat & 10 x Squat Jumps
Elbow to Knee jumps 10 x each side
Wide leg jumps & Push up
Speed run
2012 Fitness Test
Då ska jag köra på denna 30 dagars Challange igen.
Fit Test:
Set your interval timer to 50/10 and complete as many as the following exercises in the time as you can. We will be using our interval timers in every single workout of this 30 day challenge and it is basically the only must have item for BodyRocking. Our timers let us know when to switch exercises and the “beeps” keep us all pushing harder then a regular clock ever could. Ask any seasoned BodyRocker and they will tell you that working out with our timers takes it to a whole different level.
Squat Jump
Push Ups
High Knees
Switch Lunges
Tuck Jumps
Straight Abs
The End!
Egenskaper hos hund
Hunden bedöms helt efter sina egenskaper. De egenskaper man bland annat eftersträvar och bedömer är jakt- och byteslust, temperament, tillgänglighet, uthållighet, skärpa och försvar. Det är hundens luktförmåga kombinerad med hundförarens erfarenhet och kunskap om gömställen, smugglingsmetoder, samt förarens kännedom om narkotikapreparat som gör det möjligt att höja sökeffekten. Ett intimt samspel mellan hund och förare är en förutsättning för ett bra resultat.
Kunskap hos förare
För att bli hundförare måste man först söka till Tullverkets brottsbekämpning och genomgå en ettårig utbildning. Efter ett par års tjänstgöring i kontrollarbete kan man gå vidare och söka en hundförartjänst. Grundutbildningen för att bli hundförare är ett halvår varav tre tvåveckorsperioder på Tullskolan. Hundföraren tilldelas en unghund (cirka 1-3 år) och ansvarar för utbildningen och träningen av hunden. Utbildningen omfattar bland annat vanlig dressyr, miljöträning samt inlärning och sökträning av narkotikapreparat. Eftersom kontrollarbetet innebär tunga lyft, klättrande i fartyg, båtar och fordon av olika slag, fodras god fysik.
Utbildning av hundekipage
Narkotikasökhundarna utbildas i Tullverkets egen regi vid Tullskolan i Norrtälje. Utbildningen omfattar vanlig dressyr, miljöträning samt inlärning och sökträning av narkotikapreparat. Samspelet mellan förare och hund är också en viktig del av träningen under utbildningstiden, som tar omkring ett halvår. Varje år kommer de färdigutbildade hundekipagen tillbaka till Tullskolan för en veckas vidareutbildning.
Certifiering av hundekipage
Efter utbildningen certifieras och kvalitetssäkras hundekipaget för att därefter kunna börja sin tjänstgöring i någon av Tullverkets gränsskyddsgrupper. I tjänst arbetar sen hundekipagen i trafikflödet från utlandet, det vill säga de spårar upp narkotika eller väljer ut kontrollobjekt i bilar, bussar, tåg och hos passagerare.
Eye! Aj!
Inget Driv
Dessa är då nya som jag tycker är intressanta:
Glad Påsk!