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(Kolla videon och kolla på tiderna 02.08 - 02.20 - 03.00 - 03.25 - 03.31 - 04.37)
Fitness- Rock N' Roll
10 High Knees and Drop Down
Keep your arms extended to the sides, chest up and shoulders away from your ears. After 10 high knees lay down on your belly and than immediately get up. This counts as one rep.
Side to Side Pike Jumps
Remember to keep your core tight, arms extended and shoulders away from your ears.
Reverse Crunches
Remember to keep your lower back pressed into the exercise mat at all times.
Side Step Up
Switch sides after each round. This way you will be working each leg for the total of 2 minutes.
Side Step Up
Switch sides after each round. This way you will be working each leg for the total of 2 minutes.
Inte helt fel!
Fitness- 550 Killer Reps
5. One Leg Bridge Leg Lift – 50 reps
Lay on your exercise mat and put both feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips up, so that your shins are vertical to the ground and your thighs parallel to the floor. Extend one leg out and raise it up so that your toes are pointing toward the sky. Lower your leg down and then repeat 25 times. Do the same thing on the other leg.
6. Side to Side Squat Leg Lift – 50 reps
Stand with your feet wide apart and squat down. Bring your weight to one leg and lift the other leg up and extend it. Put the leg down and now shift the weight to the other side and repeat. Do 50 reps total.
7. One Arm Side Push Up
Lay on your side and place your hand on the floor next to your bottom shoulder. Place the hand of the bottom arm on your top shoulder. Now push with your hand into the ground to bring your upper body up and extend the elbow. Do 25 push ups on each side.
8. Star Crunch – 50 reps
Lay on your back and lift your extended legs up towards the sky. Extend your arms out and above your head. Lift your upper body up and reach with your hands forward between your legs. Open your legs wide and then bring them together again as you lay back down.
9. Diagonal Touch Down – 25 reps on each side
Position yourself in a straddle stance and shift your weight towards the back leg as you squat down to touch the ground right next to your back foot.
9. Diagonal Touch Down – 25 reps on each side
Rise up and twist your body in the opposite direction as you reach with both of your arms up towards the sky. Do 25 reps on each side.
10. Side Plank Lifts – 50 reps
Get into the starting position (see the picture above). Your supporting hand should be right underneath your shoulder. Don’t shrug your shoulders. Your legs are extended and crossed for better balance.
10. Side Plank Lifts – 50 reps
Lift your hips up so that you create a straight line with your legs and upper body. Lower your hips down again – this counts as one rep. Do 25 reps on each side.
11. One Leg Wall Sit – 25 reps on each leg
Sit with your back against a wall so that your thighs are parallel to the ground and your knees are above your ankles. Extend one leg out and start pulsing up and down. Do 25 small pulses on each leg.
Fitness- Rock Hard Abs Workout
Fitness- Sexy Abs Work Out
Six pack Abs and Love Handles workout